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Teeth Whitening

LED Teeth Whitening - Amber Budd Atelier - Burnsville, MN

{Professional LED Teeth Whitening - $150}

Our professional whitening can change the color of your teeth by up to eight shades (based on your natural teeth color) within one hour, making it a great option for those who want to whiten their teeth instantly!

Professional Teeth Whitening Services at Amber Budd Atelier

Our team at Amber Budd Atelier is passionate about helping you achieve your best smile with teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is a great way to boost your confidence and improve your overall appearance.


We use professional dental grade whitening Gels, which are a safe and effective way to achieve brighter teeth in just one spa whitening visit. We guarantee 2-8 shades Whiter in your hour long appointment.

Teeth Whitening - In House Before and After

Is Whitening at the Atelier better than At home Teeth Whiteners and Whitening Strips?

Yes. We recommend our process because it gets results and saves you money and time. Our Sunna Smile in office whitening procedure is more potent providing you with better whitening results than the at-home kit. One treatment takes the place of 50 whitening toothpastes, 25 dental whitening syringes, and 5 packages of whitening strips.


Plus our staff is well trained in maximizing the effectiveness of the whitening kit while maintaining the highest sanitation policies and procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Professional Teeth Whitening Do?

Our process improves your tooth color shade, reduces tooth discoloration, and removes surface stains from (but definitely not limited to!):


  1. Surface Stains

  2. Yellow Teeth

  3. Tooth Discoloration

  4. Chewing Tobacco

  5. Red Wine

  6. Coffee Tooth Stains

  7. Anything that stains your teeth!

What are the Benefits of Teeth Whitening Products?

Teeth whitening has many benefits, including:


  1. Improving the appearance of your teeth

  2. Boosting your confidence

  3. Making you look younger

  4. Helping you feel better about yourself

  5. Reduce the need for whitening toothpaste and whitening strips

  6. Lastly, it keeps your teeth bright!!

What Doesn't Tooth Whitening Address?

Our Process doesn't address any of the following issues to include (but not limited to);


  1. Tooth Decay

  2. Reduced Tooth Enamel

  3. Poor Oral Hygiene

  4. Enamel Erosion

  5. Cosmetic Dentistry

  6. Gum Disease / Gingivitis

  7. Cavities

  8. Periodontal Disease

  9. Dentistry

This is not an exhaustive list and please ensure that you visit a dentist or dental professionals certified by the American Dental Association at your nearest dental office for any issue that we can not address with a whitening treatment!

Does the Atelier's Whitening Procedure have a taste?

It Does! Teeth Whitening Products shouldn't taste bad and ours does not!


It tastes sweet, minty, and fresh. No need to worry about the product tasting like apple cider vinegar or baking soda! Most of the whitening gel will be working on making your teeth white and should not come into contact with your tongue limiting your exposure to any taste!

How often can I whiten teeth?

You should wait at least three months between whitening treatments to give your teeth a chance to recover from the whitening products. Our whitening agent can sometimes make teeth more sensitive, so it is important to give them a break in between treatments.

What are the possible side effects of teeth whitening?

The side effects of teeth whitening are typically minor and temporary. They may include;

  1. Sensitivity to cold or hot beverages

  2. Sensitivity to touch

  3. Mild gum irritation

  4. White patches on the gums

  5. White spots on the teeth


If you experience any of these side effects, contact our team at Amber Budd Atelier. We can help you determine if you are having an allergic reaction to the whitening gel or if your teeth are just sensitive.

What should I do if my teeth get too white?

Our process removes and neutralizes all of the whitening gels and whitening agents prior completion of the service. There are no active ingredients that are working to whiten your teeth when you leave the office! However, your teeth will continue to improve shades over the next 24 hours post appointment!

What if I have sensitive teeth or a tooth sensitivity?

Our products are safe on enamel, protects gums, causes little to no sensitivity, and is a registered natural health product. A very small percentage of people will have minor discomfort in their mouth and this normally dissipates within 10 minutes.


If you are experiencing increased tooth sensitivity after having your teeth whitened, we recommend using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth and avoiding very hot or cold drinks and foods. The sensitivity should go away within a few days.

Is Whitening at the Atelier better than At home Teeth Whiteners and Whitening Strips?

Yes. We recommend our process because it gets results and saves you money and time. Our Sunna Smile in office whitening procedure is more potent providing you with better whitening results than the at-home kit. One treatment takes the place of 50 whitening toothpastes, 25 dental whitening syringes, and 5 packages of whitening strips.

Plus our staff is well trained in maximizing the effectiveness of the whitening kit while maintaining the highest sanitation policies and procedures.


How can I keep my teeth white?

There are a few things you can do to make your teeth whitening last longer:

1.      Don't drink or eat anything that will stain teeth within 24 hours

2.      Avoid tobacco use

3.      Practice good oral hygiene and oral health

4.      Limit your intake of staining foods and drinks

5.      Schedule regular teeth cleanings

6.      Limit drinking Red Wine. We know....this one can be tough!

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