Our MyEsthi App was recently Featured on the WebPuppies blog in Singapore.
To read the full article click on the link here...or to read the section about us, keep reading below!
Thank you Kristine for the beautiful write up!

Skin Consultation Mobile App
Amber Budd Peterson, is the CEO/founder of Amber Budd Skincare, a US-based spa which typically does in-person services. Back in November, her team had launched MyEsthi, a mobile app that has proven to be especially helpful right now. “MyEsthi lets you meet with a licensed beauty professional to help navigate your way to a routine that will create great change in your skin rather than going to a big box store and getting a salesperson to help you.” “Online presents the challenge of not being able to see people's skin to really make great recommendations to help them achieve their goals. I developed our app specifically for that - we have a beautiful user interface and the video call feature allows us to see the client, and spend time getting to know them, which in turn allows us to make the right recommendations for them.” Amber says that her business is going very well and that what she has been learning and experiencing has been a time of great growth stretching mentally. “We have really wonderful and knowledgeable estheticians doing consultations on the app, and we will be launching the Apple (iOS) version in about 2-3 weeks. (we started with Google Play, and really ramped up production of iOS when we had to shut down the spa just over a month ago)” “Our clients still need great skincare, and many have more time to commit to their routines now, so we are hearing that people are seeing the best their skin has ever been. It's great to be able to keep people working right now, in an industry that is heavily affected by the shutdowns, we were able to pivot pretty seamlessly due to the fact that we already had the Google Play version available.”